[ROAST VIDEO] Asana’s Pricing Page
Decoding Asana's Pricing Page: Best Practices, Persuasive Copywriting, and Design Enhancements for Higher Conversions

Jul 22, 2024
Asana is a project management tool for company and teams of all sizes.
As a former user of Asana, I was always impressed by the fact they could be used to handle all sort of projects from tech to marketing projects.
They went public in 2020, and reached 170M$ at the beginning of 2024.
Before diving in their pricing page roast, a few information about them:
Company name: Asana
Date of creation: 2008
Revenue: Around 170M$
Pricing model: Licence-based (with some usage-limit)
Self-served?: Yes
Start for free?: Freemium plan available

Asana’s headline and toggle button on their pricing page

Asana’s pricing tables

Asana’s feature listing within pricing tables

Modales that pop-up when clicking on a specific feature inside the pricing table

Features comparison table

CTAs at the bottom of the pricing tables

Compare all features button

Testimonials on Asana’s pricing page

FAQ on Asana’s pricing page
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